Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

New Blog Design

It took quite a bit of time online searching for a new template for this blog.

I didn't want anything too fancy but not too plain either.

Being a "tech" blog, I figured simple lines worked best, and after narrowing it down to a few choices, this one had the features that I liked the best.

I liked the split sidebars on the right after the solid ones above it.

It also featured some bars across the bottom, but I removed them through the layout page for the blog.

I may put them back with different gadgets in them as time goes along.

I had to the scour the CSS code to fix the title - it was doing some serious overlapping, and I certainly wasn't going to have that.

There is one big thing that bothers me now.

The "day" and "date" box before each post title isn't looking good at all.

I have gone down the CSS code, and found the size for the date, but I cannot find it for the "day".

I don't like the way it splits it up like it does.

Of course, I am not too familiar with CSS - I know just enough to feel comfortable fiddling with it - as long as I write everything down so I can fix it if necessary.

All in all, I like the choice for now, and will eventually fix that date issue.

But I am not opposed to changing the template again should something I like better come along.

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