Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

South Pole evacuee undergoes medical tests

A ailing American architect who was abandoned from the South Pole to New Zealand is apprehension the after-effects of medical tests afterwards accepting what doctors believed was a achievement in August.Renee-Nicole Douceur told The Associated Press in an email Tuesday that she had MRI and echocardiogram exams. She said after-effects will be aggregate with doctors in the United States "so anybody will be on the aforementioned page.Back at auberge now to arctic out," Douceur wrote. She added, "So nice to see blooming and that appears to smell afresh cut grass, flowers, birds chirping, insects, etc., back it's now been over a year on the collapsed arctic plateau of just ice and snow." She landed in Christchurch on Monday.She asked for an emergency aborticide afterwards accepting what doctors believed was a achievement in August, but admiral alone her appeal because of bad weather, adage that sending a accomplishment even was too alarming and that her action wasn't life-threatening.

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