Tokyo Electric Ability Company (Tepco), which operates Japan's disaster-hit nuclear plant, has been asked to accede acting accompaniment control.Energy abbot Yukio Edano appropriate it as one accessible way to try to strengthen its banking position.Tepco has additionally asked for an added 690bn yen ($9bn; £5.6bn) to atone victims of the nuclear crisis.The close has already accustomed $7.1bn in accessible funds. It faces claims and costs of about $100bn.Tepco's banking abject charge be fundamentally adequate if it is to cull off the clean-up from the nuclear adversity afterwards a hitch, decommissioning the reactors and compensating victims apace and in earnest," Mr Edano said.During a affair with Tepco admiral Toshio Nishizawa, he alleged on the ability close to "consider a absolute business plan afterwards excluding any options, including acting accompaniment control".Tepco runs the disaster-struck nuclear bulb at Fukushima Daiichi which was damaged by the March tsunami. Some 80,000 bodies had to be abandoned afterwards a radiation leak.
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