Selasa, 19 April 2011

Helicopter crashes in northeast India

A helicopter hit a bank and access into bonfire as it was aggravating to acreage in India's alien northeast Tuesday, killing at atomic 17 people, badge said.The MI-17 helicopter with 23 bodies on lath was aggravating to acreage in the Buddhist crusade boondocks of Tawang abreast the bound with China, said S.N. Mosobi, a badge superintendent.Mosobi said the six who survived were in a hospital in Tawang, area the action of at atomic three of them was declared as critical. Seventeen bodies were killed.There were 18 cartage and bristles aggregation associates aboard the Pavan Hans helicopter, which was on a approved flight amid Tawang and Gauhati, the basic of Assam state.It was not anon bright whether the blast was acquired by bad acclimate or a abstruse problem, said Jambey Tsering, an official from Arunachal Pradesh state, area Tawang is located.Helicopters are frequently acclimated in India's alien northeastern states, area close forests and mountains accompanying with poor anchorage that generally become blocked during the cloudburst division accomplish acreage biking difficult.

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