Kamis, 21 April 2011

Merriment Brought by a Table Tennis

Basically, this is a game played with rackets or paddles by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court. Ping-pong is its trademarks game name, resembling tennis but being played on a table with paddles and a light hollow ball. It always gives me a gay feeling each time I play this game. I find it so cheery to play especially when the cute ball is being hit by the paddle. And normally, when the tennis returns, the opponent will also hit it before it bounces and touches the ground.  It’s very different in playing lawn tennis, aside from its racket which is so hard; you occupy so much space or field to run back and forth catching up with the ball to hit it over a net to the opponent. While catching for the ball to hit, you also find yourself catching your breath. I find table tennis so cool to be played. Even kids could do this and it’s really fun. Like playing badminton, each time I get to play this, I cannot stop my body to perspire also and it’s good to feel your body sweating all over.

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