Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Marcus Evans’s fight against Scammers and Frauds

It is rare to find a person who does not use the internet nowadays. The rising popularity of the internet has also brought with it a new category of criminals – cyber criminals. One has to fear these highly slick and organized criminals that are determined to ruin your businesses. Such criminal’s activities range from data leakage or loss of money to even stolen identities. The losses incurred as a result of all these crimes is staggering. Marcus Evans conducts conferences on electronic crimes and prevention tactics that cover a wide range of topics ranging from anti-fraud legislations to beating crime in the financial sector. Marcus Evans scam conferences helps you stay ahead of the scammers and fraudsters and also helps you meet the best practices to ensure these fraudsters remain at bay. Attending such conferences will not only help you detect such malware but also help you to place or install processes and procedures that will keep your company or businesses data and finances safe and secure. So stop being a victim of these crimes and come get equipped with the power of knowledge at Marcus Evans scam conferences.

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