Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

More Cell Phone Deals

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Cute NET10 commercial

Each day there seems to be more and more choices for cell phone plans.

The deals look to be getting better too.

The trend seems to be getting away from the lengthy plans and contracts, and going towards the monthly plans.

These plans have no contracts, no credit checks, and they provide nation wide coverage.

There is a plan for everyone too.

One of these phones could even be used a second phone for a business for a very low rate.

Real NET10 customer

The NET10 Unlimited plan offers unlimited text, talk, and data for $50 a month.

And for those who only need a simple phone, they have a plan for them too.

The Easy Minutes Plus plan offers 200 minutes for $15 a month.

And they even allow you to switch between plans each month without any fees or penalties.

The Pay As You Go plans allow you to carry over your unused minutes as long as the plan stays active.

10 Good Reasons

And they have a phone for every need.

Simple phones as well as the ones with all the bells and whistles including, cameras, video recorders, web access, and blue tooth capabilities.

Only the phones from the most trusted manufacturers are available: Nokia, LG, Motorola, Samsung, and Kyocera.

They have great prices on these phones too.

It is certainly something to think about when renewal times comes around with our current cell phone providers.

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