Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Reward offered for info on N.H. girl's death

Eager for any advice that can advice them boldness the apprehensive afterlife of an 11-year-old girl, New Hampshire prosecutors said Thursday they've set up a accolade fund.An bearding $5,000 offered aftermost ages has started up the fund. It supplements $25,000 in accolade money offered by the FBI aftermost ages during the chase for Celina Cass, of Stewartstown.It has been added than two weeks back searchers pulled Celina's anatomy from the Connecticut River abreast her house, and the abridgement of an arrest and answers to questions about how she died accept casting a cloak over her hometown.Sad and edgy, association of Stewartstown are cat-and-mouse — for answers about the girl, amends for her family, accord of apperception for themselves. The police's disability to allegation a suspect, an dissection that couldn't define what dead her and the abiding abhorrence that a analgesic is at ample are blind over association in the one-stoplight apple with 960 association abreast the Canadian border.Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane Young, who is branch the investigation, says that the abeyance in developments shouldn't be taken as a sign.

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